Create And Sell Digital Courses : Make Money by Digital Publishing

Hi Friends, thanks for your support, suggestion, and comments.

Today, I am going to describe an industry which is currently a $38 billion industry and it is expected that by 2025, it will become a $300 industry.

Can you guess which industry I am talking about?

Well, the industry is selling online course or digital learning.

We even call it sometimes mobile learning. Let’s start with some statistics.

I will also discuss why should you take part in this industry and why this is the best choice for you if you want to build up your own MSI ecosystem.

Before starting it, let me tell you India is the 6th largest economy in the world.

Moreover, in India, more than 50% of people are under below 25 age group.

More than 500 million people are using the internet in India.

A plethora of statistics has claimed by Google regarding this industry and according to them, there is a $ 100 billion opportunity in the Indian market.

This means the Indian people are ready to invest this much amount of money in this market.

So, these are some useful statistics of this industry which I have shared with you.

How To Create And Sell Online Courses?

This industry is all about training or teaching online.

This is one of my favourite niches and I have picked up this industry to build my MSI ecosystem.

There are four main components of this industry that you should aware of so that you can start in a hassle-free way.


The first thing is you need to select your niche.

The niche should have three different sections.

There should be a need for that particular niche and there should an ability to fulfil the need of that particular niche and the third one is how it would be difficult to replace you.

When you find a niche, which has a specific need in the market and you find a pain point, then you should give some fruitful solutions to alleviate that pain point.

These will motivate the people to take the actions after your solutions.

These are the three main components that you required in a niche.


Once you find a product for your niche, now, you need to record your courses.

For that, you need a system place (system for recording the course or optimizing or managing the things).

You require at least 10 digital products or 10 digital software to start your course.

At first, you need to record your video either by using your phone or your camera and then, you need to edit those videos.

Then, you should go for an e-mail marketing or autoresponder, a landing page, a link tracker, a webinar, a host, and a hub (hub is basically the place where you are going to host your courses).

You can do it in two ways. You can host it on your system and then, start selling online courses from there. Or, you can use already available marketplaces where you can host your courses and sell them.

Some examples are shareaskill and teachable where you can upload your courses, promote them, make your own hub and sell online courses directly from these places.

There are also some other places like,, etc.

where you can upload your courses and sell online courses to their audiences.

Now, your course session is ready, what you do next?


Once your online course is ready, you need to drive the right traffic towards your online courses.

Traffic is one of the important sections that you should focus on if you want to get success in this industry.

Now, how can you generate the right traffic?

You can generate in various channels.

To sell online courses, if you are targeting the Indian market, you can use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to generate traffic.

So, you can go for these channels and use them wisely to drive the traffic.

You should have a single funnel that can be your landing page and from that landing page, a person can be driven to your webinar.

what is a webinar?

Webinars are basically digital workshops where you are going to describe your prospect leads regarding your online courses, why should then join your online courses, and what are the benefits that they will get after joining your online courses.

The time duration of a webinar is 1-2 hrs.

In webinars, you should more focus on the benefits of the courses so that your audiences can get easily convinced.

You can also give good offers or discounts on webinars to motivate your audiences.

Build your own community:

Once they will join your course, you should try to build a community on those audiences.

You should give them new updates & knowledge, solve their queries, go for a Q&A session, etc.

so that they can stay motivated.

Basically, you need to stay connected with your audiences.

These are the four main steps that you should follow when you are planning to start your own digital marketing course.

Who are the most eligible for this kind of business?

Those who are the teachers, trainers, speakers or experts in this industry are the most suitable for this business.

Because they have already the knowledge, information, and skills regarding this industry.

All they need to do is just to systemize all the things together.

If they can do this, then certainly, they will become successful.

So, that’s it for today and hope this information gives you plenty of idea regarding this industry.

I am also doing webinars on this industry, so just visit and type MSI, you will get a link.

Every Tuesday at 8 p.m.

I used to conduct webinars on MSI ecosystems, type of MSI ecosystem, and which one is the most suitable for you.

If you want to learn more, just visit and type MSI.

I am sure you will learn a lot of things from my webinars.

Now, I am closing this create and sell online courses segment, just leave your comment and feedback.

Thank you once again.

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